Thursday 16 May 2013

1.27 carry out mole calculations using volumes and molar concentrations

Calculating volumes and molar concentrations

Calculate the volume of gas (carbon dioxide) produced when 50g of calcium carbonate is decomposed by heating

1. Calculate the amount, in moles, of calcium carbonate reacted

Mr of CaCO₃ is 100 

Amount of CaCO₃ = (50 ÷ 100) = 0.5 mol

2. Calculate the amount, in moles, of carbon dioxide formed

CaCO₃ --> CaO + CO

1 mol of CaCO₃ produces 1 mol of CO

0.5 mol of CaCO₃ produces 0.5 mol of CO

3. Calculate the volume of CO₂ formed

Volume of CO₂ = (0.5 x 24) dm³ = 12dm³


  1. On the last section where did the 24 come from???

    1. in order to get from cm cubed to dm cubes you have to times it by 24 i think

  2. Multiplying by 24 is just a rule. It is to Dow with RTP (room temperature and pressure). To convey from cm3 to dm you have to multiply by 1000. Hope this helps :)

    1. Thanks, I would have been sure what it was for.
