Thursday 16 May 2013

TRIPLE: 1.35 understand the relationship between ionic charge and the melting point and boiling point of an ionic compound

The relationship between the ionic charge and boiling/melting points

For ions of similar size, the strength of the forces of attraction between the ions will depend on the size of their charge. For this reason, magnesium oxide (Mg²+O²-) has a higher melting and boiling point than sodium chloride (Na+Cl-). The more electrons that have been transferred, the stronger the bond because of the stronger electrostatic forces.

1 comment:

  1. Every ex that breaks your heart is a bad person. They just don't feel the same way that we do, and we have to realize that they can't make themselves love us. Love is one of those things that we feel or don't feel, and if you don't feel it there's nothing you can do about it and if you feel it there is something you can do about it. The end of any relationship is difficult to bear, so my brother's and sister i was having same issue with my guy so we broke up but now he has come back to with me, with the help of who turn his face and made him to love me more if you have same issue on your ex contact he is a great spell cater, i wish you the beat of luck
